Rheinhessen Rumble 2024 Aftershow

As soon as it started, it’s already over, the Rheinhessen Rumble Vol.4! It was a fantastic weekend with numerous visitors, great bands, the best exhibitors, and many wonderful new memories! Special thanks go to everyone who made this weekend possible again, because what would the coolest location and organization be without exhibitors and visitors?

The Bike Show sponsored by Custom Chrome Europe with €4,000, led by the motographer Horst Rösler, was very well received and impressed with the high standard of the customized bikes. The winners of the individual classes have been determined and can be seen in the photo overview.

The entry fees and individual merchandise credit donations from the Bike Show winners amount to an impressive sum of €1,110 for the Morgensonne daycare center in Gensingen. It should be mentioned that the next Rheinhessen Rumble will take place from May 9th to 12th, 2025, and we hope to see you there again!

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Qu'est-ce que la recherche de modèle ?
La recherche de modèles Custom Chrome Europe te montre les produits adaptés à ta moto Harley-Davidson, Buell, Indian ou Victory. Dans les résultats de la recherche, nous te montrons toutes les pièces d'usure et accessoires spécifiques au modèle, ainsi que les pièces customisées et les produits universels. Tu peux mettre la recherche en pause ou l'arrêter pour voir à nouveau tous les produits de la boutique ! ×︎
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